Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Definition of MIVA

Miva [mee-vuh, -vah] –noun Informal :
Think Mom meets Diva. A strong beautiful woman who knows what she wants, when she wants it and how to get it. She is not afraid to say what she is thinking or to wear what feels good, even if that means doing the laundry in high heels!
For all of you joining me here at the Miva Memoirs.Here is a disclaimer. I've never blogged before. I am a full time mom, wife and employee... I live in Utah with my husband and 4 kids... Needless to say I am one busy mommy. If you are looking for a fun blog full of ideas, tips, crafts and recipes, you have come to the right place.
Let the fun begin!


  1. Love it!!! You are going to have blogucate me on all this cuteness!

  2. Thanks! Your my first poster and follower! :) This is fun isn't it! WE should get together and have a blog party! :)
