Monday, May 30, 2011

Phew... What a Saturday!

It has been a crazy few days! We went and saw Les Miserables at the Capitol Theater in Salt Lake City.

 It was amazing. We had perfect seats, front row of the Grand Tier. We were so close we could see the tears as they fell off the actors faces! I had never seen Les Mis before this and it was truly a magical experience. We were lucky enough to go with our friends and I think we all had a great time. Afterwards we went to dinner at Tucano's. That my friends, is a great place to eat. 

If you have never been to a Brazilian BBQ you must give it a try. Every time I go there I try and limit myself to just a few treats, but the problem is all these men  just come by your table wielding knives and large sticks of meat, they slice off piece after piece of meat for you until you finally give up.  The meat eating induced coma you get afterwards is brutal! They also have a huge salad bar (I think they call it a salad carnival) that includes everything from traditional salad, pasta salads, soups, fruit, rice and beans, and my personal favorite, these cheesy bread things.... those are yummy!

Then to make the day even better it was fight night. Once a month we go over to our friends and we have snacks and watch the UFC fight night. Now, Chad and I aren't "that" into it, we can't really remember who is who but it's fun for the fellowship with friends and to watch grown men beat the snot out of each other! :)

Overall it was a great Saturday. Today we are busy cleaning house and getting ready for our friends and their families to come over at 5pm a BBQ... it should be great! :)

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